5 Benefits of Preparing for Preconception

Did you know that the egg you ovulate takes roughly 3-4 months to mature? This means that your overall health, diet and lifestyle 3 months ago impacts the egg you ovulate today. Similarly, new sperm are made every 42-76 days, meaning your partner’s overall health, diet and lifestyle in recent months will also influence sperm quality. 

In modern healthcare today, there’s a rightful emphasis on prenatal health (aka mom’s health during pregnancy) with plenty of education and resources available. There’s even been a recent surge in support for women postpartum. However, very little focus is given to the preconception phase.

The preconception phase is defined as the period before pregnancy - typically 3-6 months prior to actively trying to conceive or to conception. Today, I’m covering what I believe to be the top 5 benefits of preparing for pregnancy and why you might want to consider this approach when you’re ready to start or expand your family.

5 Benefits of Preparing for Pregnancy

  1. Improve fertility 

Thoughtfully preparing for pregnancy may positively influence fertility and help you get pregnant faster. It’s no secret that diet and lifestyle directly influence key factors in fertility such as nutrient status, proper hormone function, egg and sperm quality. A good preconception plan not only encourages a healthy diet and lifestyle, but will also encourage you to familiarize yourself with your cycle, if you’re not already. Simply understanding your unique, natural hormonal rhythm, how your cycle works and when you ovulate can make all the difference when you’re ready to get pregnant. A good preconception plan will also require you to reduce your toxin exposure - a known risk factor for reduced fertility

2. improve egg and sperm quality

Can nutrition improve your egg quality? Studies tell us, yes! Nutritional factors may influence not only oocyte maturation, but also quality of embryos and efficiency of implantation. Your partner’s diet also matters. Research shows that nutrition influences sperm count, sperm concentration and motility.

3. Lower Risk of pregnancy Complications

Adequate nutrient status of critical preconception nutrients such as folate, zinc and iron can decrease risk of pregnancy complications and support healthy fetal and placental development. Common pregnancy complications include pre-eclampsia, low birth weight, small for gestational age and gestational diabetes. Lifestyle factors typically considered when preparing for pregnancy such as reducing stress, proper hydration, staying active, reducing toxin exposure and ensuring adequate sleep will also support a healthy pregnancy.

4. Impact Generational health

Observational studies show strong links between health before pregnancy and maternal and child health outcomes, with impacts that can extend across generations. “Fetal programming occurs during embryonic and fetal development, a critical period where tissues and organs are created” (Kwon, Kim, 2017). Internal environment and nutrition status during this time can influence physiological and metabolic responses that carry into adulthood. In fact, some researchers believe that this time period can potentially predispose us, or not, to certain diseases later in life.

5. Understand and appreciate your body

A good preconception plan should empower women to have a general understanding of their unique cycle and how a healthy hormonal rhythm impacts their ability to conceive. Understanding your cycle can help you get pregnant faster or identify a problem more quickly. It can help you be a better advocate for your health, speak confidently with providers and have a greater appreciation for your body. 

Implementing a holistic preconception plan may optimize your fertility, reduce risk for pregnancy complications, help you get pregnant faster and benefit future generations. If you’re enjoying content related to preconception, you might also enjoy my Preconception Prep Checklist. If you’d like to work with me to build your individualized preconception plan or if you’d like to learn more about taking your preconception prep to the next level, message me directly here.